Black Chamber Education Fund


The Objectives Of This Corporation Shall Be: To Provide Guidance And Educational Programs And Scholarships To Youth Of Orange County In Order To Achieve Academic And Vocational Successes; And To Develop And Provide Educational And Scholarship Needs For Military Veterans, With Support To Achieve Academic And Vocational Successes Along With Career Technical Education And Business And Workforce Investment Assistance Opportunities. These Programs And Scholarships Shall Be Mainly Supported By The Black Chamber Of Commerce Of Orange County.

BCEF Application

A Message From Chuck Moore

Chuck Moore has been a champion of the BCEF for many years and mentored countless members of the program. Read more about what Chuck says about the BCEF and it’s numerous benefits to the young ambition African American community.

More Benefits And Programs



Book Reimbursement Incentive Degree Guidance and Educational Support
The BRICKS (Business Rich Interaction, Career Knowledge Support) and BRIDGES (Book Reimbursement Incentive, Degree Guidance Endurance and Support) programs are in-house activities supported by members of the OC Black Chamber and other organizations working to increase the number of college-eligible and college-ready African American students.


Business Rich Interaction Career Knowledge Support
BRICKS is aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs by aiding them in composing business plans, developing business marketing strategies, and providing assistance from SBA, SCORE, or other groups to increase the viability of proposed business activities/ventures. A maximum of two such opportunities are identified each year and BCEF contacts/members are deployed to aid the young entrepreneurs.

Reasons to Join:
Access, Service, Career Guidance, Employment, Volunteer, Internships, and Scholarship Opportunities
The online version of these programs will provide immediate access to student members of the Chamber. The original goals of providing mentoring and support to Orange County students have not changed; it has grown. These programs are designed to provide networking contacts from among business, civic, political, and educational leaders in the Black Chamber membership.
Student members will gain direct access to these members as prospective mentors and valuable sources of guidance for post-educational opportunities. The annual selection of scholarship winners will be made from among those student members who have been of service to the Black Chamber, Education Fund, and other community or school-based organizations.
Student Interns Will help support efforts to:

Step 1. Solicit members to obtain permission to post email links that can be accessed by student members.

Step 2. Solicit former Bridges recipients to serve as prospective mentors or career information resources.

Step 3. Help with online student application process; obtain contact information that includes name of school, school year, and intended area of study.

Step 4. Help with website so that student members can access prospective mentors by area of expertise or field. Also work with with Education Fund representative.

Step 5. Link site to Training Workshops sponsored by Corporate Sponsors and other entities. (SCE Edge Program, Banks and Financial Literacy Programs, etc.)

Step 6. Set up ZOOM communication system to broadcast workshop

Step 7. Set up system of volunteers for Chamber Golf and Annual Banquet

Step 8. Establish portions of website to announce
a. Summer Internships
b. Job Opportunities

Step 9. Collect and pictures from life cycle of programs in archive

Step 10. Archive articles posted on previous website & Chamber Scrap Books

BCEF's Partnership CAAP

The Council of African American Parents (CAAP) is a member in good standing in the Black Chamber Education Fund. One representative per year from this group is appointed to serve on the board of BCEF, to ensure there are organizational time conflicts and that BCEF members have abundant pre-registration access to the activities sponsored by this group. 
In return for this organizational encouragement, BCEF provides support for the partnership as well by promoting partners on the website, disseminating information about their upcoming activities and programs, and by serving as members and co-chairs of activities initiated or sponsored by our affiliate members. In particular, BCEF supports the Junior/Senior Workshops, Personalized Academic Learning Systems program, and the Legacy Roundtable Accelerated Summer Mathematics Academy each sponsored by the Council of African American Parents. This support includes financial assistance, staff volunteers, and use of chamber facilities when necessary for meetings or other events.
The Orange County Black Chamber Education Fund is coordinated by a dynamic board and advisory board that include members from organizations with similar goals. This board provides the leadership for BCEF to deliver direct services to Orange County students from middle school to graduate school and to marshal support for these students from a wide array of companies, organizations and campuses. BCEF targets African American students, however, all students willing to complete registration procedures for the various programs are given serious consideration for inclusion into all BCEF programs and those sponsored by our affiliates and partners.
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