Spirit of the Heart

Medical & Healthcare

How to stay safe

Physical Distancing

Keeping physical distance from other individuals will help to minimize the spread of germs from one person to another. 

Use Masks

Studies have shown mask-wearing to be an effective and easy way to slow the spread of air borne pathogens. 

Wash Hands

Regularly washing one’s hands is another effective way to stay healthy and prevent illness from spreading

Health care

Seeing your health provider about any new symptoms can help detect illnesses before they worsen 

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
Stay Calm.

You can protect yourself and help
prevent spreading the
virus to other 

Health Info Guides

Below you can find further information about how to stay SAFE and prevent the spread of illnesses, specifically as they pertain the the AFRICAN-AMERICAN community.

Spirit of the Heart

The Association of Black Cardiologists presents, Spirit of the Heart, a virtual forum, featuring OC Black Chambers president Bobby McDonald, in which leading health experts discuss how to look after your health as well as the disparities in healthcare within the African American community

Veteran health SErvices

Getting medical assistance as a veteran should be easy and affordable. The Black Chamber is committed to helping however we can, by providing access to information and medical care for our veterans. Click below to see where you can get vaccinated and find further benefits through the Long Beach VA. 

women and heart disease

Dr. Jaqueline Eubany, Board Certified Cardiologist, Electrophysiologist, and best-selling author explains the relationship between heart disease and women in her informative book.