1 ) To create access to capital and procurement opportunities
2) To serve as a support vehicle for members by disseminating relevant information
3) To strengthen the overall organization
4) To support and contribute to the general welfare and progress of the African American community through economic development
5) To support Toward A Deeper Understanding with the diverse business communities to listen deeply to the concerns of our communities and encourage positive changes
Chair of the Board
US Bank
Co-Chair Black Chamber Education Fund
Community Advocate
Explorer Studios
Esquire Accounting
Community Advocate
Metropolitan Water District
Economic Development Chair
Marlo Naber Public Affairs, Inc.
JBM Energy Solutions
Veterans Legal Institute
Community Advocate
Wells Fargo Advisors
Principal Manager
Supplier Diversity & Development, SCE
US Bank Mortgage Loans
Print Consultant 1
Steele A Moment 2 Travel
Tashiro Choi & Associates
Resolve Solutions
3 Kings Public Affairs
Irvine Public Schools Foundation
Advance OC
Echo Millennial
751 S. Weir Canyon Rd. #157
Anaheim, CA