Voter Information

being politically active and Voting is one the key ways in which we can ENACT change in our community. However, access to INFORMATION can OFTENTIMES be difficult to find. The oc black Chamber hopes to break down these barriers and offer useful resources to make voting and political INVOLVEMENT more ACCESSIBLE

Orange County REGISTraR of voters

To provide election services for the citizens of Orange County to ensure equal access to the election process, protect the integrity of votes, and maintain a transparent, accurate, and fair process.

2020 presidential election overview

The Orange County diverse business leaders coalition presented the replay of Neal Kelley, OC Registrar of Voters presentation of the 2020 OC election overview. View the full presentation below.

We Vote

Hear a message from our president about the crucial importance of voting now more than ever. With the help of our partners in the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, The OC Black Chamber is committed to spreading the awareness for the importance of voting and how to register.

Voter Education Download

Not sure about the steps to take to vote in the upcoming election? Download this complete and comprehensive guide that will tell you where, when, and how to get your voice heard.